Feedback and reviews
We have been helping people to get healthier and more restful sleep since 1989. Here you can find out why our customers love the SAMINA healthy sleep concept and what makes it so unique.
Recommended by doctors
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Alternativmediziner | USA
„SAMINA ist nicht nur ein Bett. Es ist ein gesamtes System, in dem ich mich bette und verfügt sogar über eine Erdungsauflage. Sie bietet essenziellen Schutz in der modernen, von Toxinen belasteten Umwelt.“
Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt, PhD
Founder of Sophia Health Instituts (USA)
"I believe we have finally found a natural sleep system that our patients can trust to provide healthy and healing sleep. The entire system is made from organic materials and is free from chemicals, flame retardants and metal, making it ideal for anyone who wants a healthy sleep, and especially good for those seeking healing."
Dr. Aviad Elgez, ND
Neuropathy doctor, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto (USA)
"With my own patients, I have witnessed the positive effect that good quality sleep has on regeneration. This prompted me to buy an organic and pollutant-free mattress for myself - ideally one made of natural rubber. I have been sleeping on SAMINA for a year now and enjoy healthy sleep and a generally improved quality of sleep. I decided to invest a little more in my health. Numerous studies and my experience show how healthy sleep can be used to prevent illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and dementia. I can warmly recommend SAMINA to anyone who wants to optimize their health."
Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke
Doctor, psychotherapist & author – Hitzendorf | Deutschland
"I enjoy the SAMINA sleep system every night. At first it was a bit unusual to move into 5-star hotels with the Lokosana sleeping surface, but I know the difference. Anyone who - like me - sleeps very little needs to sleep well and undisturbed, which the SAMINA bed system and the Lokosana topper allow me to do. I am delighted that SAMINA has implemented my experiences in such a convincing way."
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Alternative physicians | USA
"SAMINA is not just a bed. It is an entire system in which I sleep and even has a grounding pad. It offers essential protection in today's toxin-laden environment."
Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt, PhD
Gründer des Sophia Health Instituts (USA)
„Ich glaube, wir haben endlich ein natürliches Schlafsystem gefunden, bei dem unsere Patienten darauf vertrauen können, gesund und heilsam zu schlafen. Das gesamte System besteht aus Bio-Materialien und ist frei von Chemikalien, Flammschutzmitteln und Metall, sodass es ideal für jeden ist der gesund schlafen will, und besonders gut für diejenigen, die Heilung suchen.“
Dr. Aviad Elgez, ND
Arzt der Neuropathie, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto (USA)
„Bei meinen eigenen Patienten habe ich miterlebt, wie positiv sich eine gute Schlafqualität auf die Regeneration auswirkt. Das hat mich dazu bewegt, eine biologische und schadstofffreie Matratze für mich selbst zu kaufen – idealerweise eine aus Naturkautschuk. Ich schlafe nun bereits seit einem Jahr auf SAMINA und komme in den Genuss eines gesunden Schlafes und einer allgemein verbesserten Schlafqualität. Ich entschied mich, etwas mehr in meine Gesundheit zu investieren. Denn zahlreiche Studien und meine Erfahrung zeigen, wie der gesunde Schlaf zur Krankheitsprävention u.a. von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Demenz eingesetzt werden kann. Ich kann SAMINA all jenen wärmstens empfehlen, die ihre Gesundheit optimieren wollen.“
Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke
Arzt, Psychotherapeut & Buchautor – Hitzendorf | Deutschland
„Ich genieße das SAMINA Schlafsystem jede Nacht. Anfangs war es etwas ungewohnt, mit der Lokosana Schlafauflage in 5-Sterne-Hotels einzuziehen, aber ich kenne ja den Unterschied. Wer – wie ich – wenig schläft, muss jedenfalls gut und ungestört schlafen, was mir das SAMINA Bettsystem und die Lokosana Auflage ermöglichen. Es freut mich, dass SAMINA meine Erfahrungen in so überzeugender Art umsetzt.“
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Alternativmediziner | USA
„SAMINA ist nicht nur ein Bett. Es ist ein gesamtes System, in dem ich mich bette und verfügt sogar über eine Erdungsauflage. Sie bietet essenziellen Schutz in der modernen, von Toxinen belasteten Umwelt.“
SAMINA for athletes
More than 20 years of research clearly show that sleep quality in particular can help to improve athletic performance, prevent injuries and stay fit in the long term. The SAMINA sleep system is the optimal solution for all the requirements and needs of athletes. Find out here how athletes sleep best.
During sleep, numerous physical processes take place that serve as maintenance work for the body. Cells are repaired, toxins are broken down and important processes in the brain are set in motion. All these processes ensure the maintenance of physical, mental and emotional health. This is precisely why athletes in particular, whether professional, amateur or weekend sportsmen and women, should pay more attention to this source of energy.
Giulia Steingruber
Former gymnast
"After a hard day's training, I look forward to my SAMINA sleep system every evening. With a healthy, restful sleep, I'm more productive the next day and can concentrate much more on my training and school work."
Julian Howard
Former track and field athlete
"Previously, I always had relatively little time to take care of my physical well-being in addition to the many training sessions and the workload at university. With the SAMINA sleep system, I have the feeling that I now have a regeneration unit on my training schedule every night. I enjoy every single second I get to spend in my bed."
Marc Berthod
Former ski racer - St. Moritz
"Since I've been lying on the SAMINA sleep system, my quality of sleep and life has improved incredibly. SAMINA feels really good! I look forward to going to bed every night."
Magdalena Egger
Professional skier, Junior World Champion
"I can no longer imagine not sleeping on SAMINA. I also always have my travel kit with me. SAMINA is a very important partner for me to support my recovery and I really notice the difference. In my opinion, there is currently nothing better."
David Hablützel
Professional Snowboarder
"On my SAMINA sleep system, I experience more intense dream sleep phases thanks to motionless sleep and I feel even more energized during the day. With the travel kit, I can take my regenerative sleep experiences with me wherever I go. SAMINA supports regeneration in the most effective way! Thank you!"
Dennis Endras
Goalkeeper of the national ice hockey team
"I look forward to going back to bed every night. I feel like I'm sleeping on clouds and I get new fitness and energy during the night!"
Johannes Hofherr
Sport climber
"SAMINA makes it easy for me to recover sufficiently and cope with the amount of training. It's not just a small bonus, because every night of optimal recovery adds up to a huge difference."
Damir Canadi
Soccer coach
"I'm delighted to be working with a brand that has been an exemplary supporter of sport for over 25 years and also contributes a great deal of expertise in the field of healthy sleep for me and athletes in general."
Mathias Inniger
Cross-country skier
"I demand a lot from my body in my training and competitions. Physically and mentally, I'm always pushing myself to the limit. Maintaining a balance between exertion and recovery is the key to success. With the SAMINA sleep system, I can get the most out of the most important source of regeneration, sleep."
Giulia Steingruber
Former gymnast
"After a hard day's training, I look forward to my SAMINA sleep system every evening. With a healthy, restful sleep, I'm more productive the next day and can concentrate much more on my training and school work."
Julian Howard
Former track and field athlete
"Previously, I always had relatively little time to take care of my physical well-being in addition to the many training sessions and the workload at university. With the SAMINA sleep system, I have the feeling that I now have a regeneration unit on my training schedule every night. I enjoy every single second I get to spend in my bed."
Marc Berthod
Former ski racer - St. Moritz
"Since I've been lying on the SAMINA sleep system, my quality of sleep and life has improved incredibly. SAMINA feels really good! I look forward to going to bed every night."
Magdalena Egger
Professional skier, Junior World Champion
"I can no longer imagine not sleeping on SAMINA. I also always have my travel kit with me. SAMINA is a very important partner for me to support my recovery and I really notice the difference. In my opinion, there is currently nothing better."
David Hablützel
Professional Snowboarder
"On my SAMINA sleep system, I experience more intense dream sleep phases thanks to motionless sleep and I feel even more energized during the day. With the travel kit, I can take my regenerative sleep experiences with me wherever I go. SAMINA supports regeneration in the most effective way! Thank you!"
Dennis Endras
Goalkeeper of the national ice hockey team
"I look forward to going back to bed every night. I feel like I'm sleeping on clouds and I get new fitness and energy during the night!"
Johannes Hofherr
Sport climber
"SAMINA makes it easy for me to recover sufficiently and cope with the amount of training. It's not just a small bonus, because every night of optimal recovery adds up to a huge difference."
Damir Canadi
Soccer coach
"I'm delighted to be working with a brand that has been an exemplary supporter of sport for over 25 years and also contributes a great deal of expertise in the field of healthy sleep for me and athletes in general."
Mathias Inniger
Cross-country skier
"I demand a lot from my body in my training and competitions. Physically and mentally, I'm always pushing myself to the limit. Maintaining a balance between exertion and recovery is the key to success. With the SAMINA sleep system, I can get the most out of the most important source of regeneration, sleep."
Giulia Steingruber
Former gymnast
"After a hard day's training, I look forward to my SAMINA sleep system every evening. With a healthy, restful sleep, I'm more productive the next day and can concentrate much more on my training and school work."
Julian Howard
Former track and field athlete
"Previously, I always had relatively little time to take care of my physical well-being in addition to the many training sessions and the workload at university. With the SAMINA sleep system, I have the feeling that I now have a regeneration unit on my training schedule every night. I enjoy every single second I get to spend in my bed."
Marc Berthod
Former ski racer - St. Moritz
"Since I've been lying on the SAMINA sleep system, my quality of sleep and life has improved incredibly. SAMINA feels really good! I look forward to going to bed every night."
Are you ready to take your sleep to the next level and get the most out of your nightly regeneration?