[vc_row equal_height=“yes“][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=“SAMINA SoundLife Sleep System®“ font_container=“tag:h1|text_align:left“ use_theme_fonts=“yes“][vc_column_text]
MusicMedicine during sleep – source of power and health
SAMINA SOUNDLIFE SLEEP SYSTEM® uniquely utilizes the scientifically proven effects of MusicMedicine programs produced by SANOSON to enhance the quality of sleep, providing a natural source for calming, relaxation and harmonisation of body, mind, and spirit. It helps to restore healthy sleep patterns for those who experience problems to fall or stay asleep and improves the sleep quality so significantly that it can help people to get the rest they need despite shorter than ideal nights of sleep. The SAMINA SOUNDLIFE SLEEP SYSTEM® boosts the heart-brain-coherence and thus increases the somatic and mental performance through to the resynchronisation of the physiological rhythms. It so provides the base for optimal self-regulation of the underlying functions of physical and mental health and supports profound healing processes.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=“1182″ img_size=“full“][vc_column_text]
SAMINA SoundLife Sleep System®
• helps falling asleep easily, reaching deep sleep, sleeping through and so improves sleep efficiency
• during sleep, it activates important self-regulation, self-repairing and self-healing capacities
• synchronizes the body rhythms and counteracts the „social“ jetlag phenomenon
• synchronizes lack of sleep symptoms such as tiredness during the day, lack of concentration, listlessness etc.
• improves both emotional and work releated stress symptoms and increases resilience
• supports both medical and therapeutic interventions
SAMINA’s SoundLife Sleep System® is a highly innovative, auditory stimulation tool. The special proprietary player equipped with a fully wooden cover made from swiss pine, is connected to a sleep- and electro biological optimized sound pillow. Through the pillow the specifically selected stimuli are applied during sleep and so the epigenetic and salutogenetic self-healing capacities are activated. Thus, SAMINA’s SoundLife Sleep System® uniquely combines MusicMedicine with important aspects of sleep biology, such as unpolluted materials, the orthopaedics of lying, the bed climate in the area of head and neck, the stabilisation of the terrestrial magnetic field andof magnetobiology. In combining MusicMedicine and the sleep biological components of the soundpillow, the quality of sleep and the sleep efficiency are improved. In this combination applied passively during nighttime the biological availability of the MusicMedicine is unparalleled.
Falling asleep gently, sleeping through deeply and gain access to the healing capacities of sleep
This is the philosophy of the SAMINA SoundLife Sleep System®: Using MusicMedicine as a natural transformer to tune body, mind and spirit harmonically towards sleep. In doing so, stress hormones are replaced by cuddle, relaxation and sleep hormones which help to fall asleep easier. As a result the sleep is calmer and deeper, the entire sleep span is optimized and the sleep in general becomes more efficient. While tuning the body circuits and steering towards optimal self-regeneration, self-reparation and self-healing, the mechanisms specific to each sleep period are activated. This is an important function to retain physical and mental wellbeing.
The music that has been solely composed for SANOSON’s chronobiological intervention programs and is specially designed and produced based on the principals discovered through SANOSON’s research. At the same time, the music is aesthetically unique and mesmerizing, allowing the thoughts to elevate from the mind. The music is comforting and easy to listen to while captivating the senses in a variety of ways. At the same time the music transports very specific neurologically effective sound sequences, which are embedded in highly complex specially composed sound-images, whose effects precisely match the human circadian rhythms. These special mechanisms of SANOSON’s MusicMedicine are developed based on results of 20 years of scientific studies and have been tested in large clinical trials and are statistically validated. The music offered by SANOSON is therefore in no way comparable with any of the relaxation or sleep music available elsewhere. It is one of SANOSON’s principles to work exclusively with new compositions to avoid unintended triggers that are potentially initiated through music the listener may be familiar with and is unconsciously associated with negatively connotated events and thus may cause adverse reactions.
SAMINA SoundLife Sleep System® uses specifically selected speakers, which match the high standards SAMINA set up for the sleep environment. Those include high demanding sleep and electro biological requirements. Furthermore, the speakers are equipped with the S-Logic® Natural Surround Standard. This standard is unique, as it enables the speakers to create a natural stereophonic sound that creates a wider sound shape. As the sound is not directly happening in the head of the listener, the sound of the speakers feels as if one is listening to high quality music boxes, which are place several meters away from the own head. Listening is like seeing, it is three dimensional (3D). In addition this technology allows to play the music with reduced volume by almost 40% (3-4 decibel), while reaching the same level of volume perception, the ear is highly relieved. This is especially important in terms of sleep and ear protection.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=“1187″ img_size=“full“][vc_column_text]
Heart-brain coherence – a new approach to MusicMedicine
Especially in the last twenty years the effects that receptive MusicMedicine has on brain functions, on the nervous system and on the operation of the heart was shown in various international studies. These impacts are even enhanced through the passive listening of the SANOSON’s MusicMedicine during sleep, the vegetative and the hormonal balance is promoted, the immune system is strengthened. Therefore, sleep related MusicMedicine offers a great potential for a betterment of sleep, for more wellbeing, for more balance, for relaxation and on top it activates the self-healing capacities. As a result of a deeper and better sleep, the recreational capacity of body and psyche are strengthened and all sorts of stress during daytimes can easily be managed. This improves the vitality and resilience and such the overall quality of life for healthy and sick people and is consequently suited to supplement all sorts of medical and therapeutic treatments.
Studies have shown that the brain-heart-coherence is interconnected with the functionalities of the brain and mental performance. Better coherence improves the adaptations to stress and enables faster reactions and better performance when one needs to function under pressure. While gaining optimal heart-braincoherence during sleep, stress related bodily or mental dysfunction are being ameliorated enabling faster rejuvenation and enhanced repair processed. Thus, the SAMINA SoundLife Sleep System® provides highly valuable functions and effects in support of all therapeutic interventions or medical treatments.
Recent research revealed that poor and short sleep changes the type and structure of those genes responsible for biological rhythms in humans. Furthermore, it is now known, that the desynchronisation of the human circadian clock can cause or trigger a wide range of health disturbances. An array of studies point to the negative effects of sleep interruptions and insufficient sleep duration on our genes. These epigenetic changes were found among shift and night workers, who constantly work and sleep against their inner clocks. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified sleep disorders and lack of sleep as “carcinogen”. Disrupted sleep and or chronic lack of sleep block the body’s ability to self-regulate, self-repair and self-heal and contributes to therapy resistances. Reversely, the improvement of sleep strengthens our immune system and therefore significantly minimizes the risk of getting ill. At the same time, our capacity to perform and our overall well-being is enhanced.
MusicMedicine synchronizes the circadian clock
New scientific evidence has revealed that stress related interferences of the harmonious interaction of our nervous system, the heart and the brain is the cause of many stress-symptoms and diseases. Due to these findings, in the international medical field a new trend is emerging leading to the development more and more effective measures which help to improve heart-brain-coherence. This interplay or coherence is nowadays seen as the centerpiece to the understanding of health, and the healing of diseases. Being in coherence with our heart helps regulating the limbic system. As a result we gain not only positive impact on our emotions and our psyche, but even more, we positively stimulate the self-regulating and self-healing capacities of the entire body.
MusicMedicine is a scientifically proven natural means, which allows us to quickly regain such a coherent state. Pent up emotions like frustration, trouble, anxiety and anger can quickly be dissipated and a feelings of lightness and harmony can return. This state also accelerates our capacity to fall asleep and to sleep through it leads to a regeneration and refreshes our vital powers.
The music that has been solely composed for SANOSON’s chronobiological intervention programs and is specially designed and produced based on the principals discovered through SANOSON’s research. At the same time, the music is aesthetically unique and mesmerizing, allowing the thoughts to elevate from the mind. The music is comforting and easy to listen to while captivating the senses in a variety of ways. At the same time the music transports very specific neurologically effective sound sequences, which are embedded in highly complex specially composed sound-images, whose effects precisely match the human circadian rhythms. These special mechanisms of SANOSON’s MusicMedicine are developed based on results of 20 years of scientific studies and have been tested in large clinical trials and are statistically validated. The music offered by SANOSON is therefore in no way comparable with any of the relaxation or sleep music available elsewhere. It is one of SANOSON’s principles to work exclusively with new compositions to avoid unintended triggers that are potentially initiated through music the listener may be familiar with and is unconsciously associated with negatively connotated events and thus may cause adverse reactions.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=“1191″ img_size=“full“][vc_column_text]Music is intimately related to humans and its healing capacities are well know since thousands of years. Already in the womb music reassures us and is able to reach every part of our body, each tissue and each cell. Long-term research was able to show, that healing sounds, audio frequencies, and rhythms hold an easy to use key to synchronize our internal rhythms. This means that brain activity, breathing, heartbeat and blood pressure are better able to correspond harmonically. Unlike conventional music therapeutic interventions, SANOSON’s receptive MusicMedicine scientifically proved, undertaking multiple comprehensive studies, to be able to synchronize inner rhythms and the heart-brain coherence. Using the SAMINA SoundLife Sleep System® a direct impact on the parasympathetic regulation is found induced through SANOSON’s MusicMedicine. The optimal interaction of the sympathetic nervous system, the activating part of our nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, that part of the system, which is responsible for shutdown and which puts the system in a regenerating mode is a requirement to establish an ideal heart rate variability (HRV). At the same time MusicMedicine also has an effect upon the alpha, theta and delta brain activity. This promotes the heart-brain-coherence, which positively affects the sleep quality and healing processes.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]