Healthy sleep as a central pillar of treatment for your private clinic
The long-standing leading sleep scientist Prof. Dr William C. Dement (Stanford University Sleep Research Centre, California) put it in a nutshell back in 1998 on the occasion of his retirement:
"After 40 years of sleep research, I have found no factor that has as great an influence on our well-being and health as sleep. Over 90 per cent of our health depends on sleep."
This realisation has been confirmed and underpinned by numerous studies over the last two decades. In addition, healthy sleep is and remains one of the most important "remedies" from a medical point of view. Because it is only during sleep that the important self-healing powers are activated, which ultimately support the success of treatment.
More and more patients are suffering from sleep disorders
In the 2017 health report of the DAK health insurance fund (Germany), a representative survey found that 80 per cent of people in employment in Germany already complain of poor, disturbed or no longer restful sleep. Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation play a significant role in the development of today's diseases of civilisation, as important regulatory, repair and healing processes are disrupted.
More and more patients are suffering from back, joint and muscle problems
With passive orthopaedic therapy during sleep, we achieve unique successes as a supplement to orthopaedic and physiotherapeutic treatments. This has been confirmed by an observational study conducted by Prof Dr Oliver Tobolski at his clinic in Cologne. This can lead to astonishing and lasting improvements, especially in back pain patients with non-specific and non-organic findings.
The trend in private clinics: sleep as therapy
For maximum therapeutic effect, we rely on "natural sleep" with metal-free, organic sleep systems such as our SAMINA healthy sleep concept. Developed under the direction of Prof. Dr med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson and tested in co-operation with sleep experts. A special clinic concept optimises patient rooms in terms of sleep biology.
Stress-related illnesses and depression need the best sleep
The connection between sleep disorders or lack of sleep and mental illnesses, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and, in particular, depression has now been well researched. Current studies show that the majority of people with depression or burnout suffer from sleep disorders or non-restorative sleep. For a long time, researchers assumed that sleep disorders were only a symptom of depression or burnout. Today, we know that impaired sleep quality is one of the causes of mental illness, especially depression.
Targeted treatment of sleep disorders helps with depression
The latest research results now show that the targeted treatment of sleep disorders also leads to remarkable improvements in depressed people. This is one of the greatest advances in the treatment of depression in recent decades. In this context, the private clinic project "Clinicum Alpinum" for stress-related illnesses and depression in Liechtenstein is a milestone in the field of private clinics. The complete SAMINA sleep-healthy concept is integrated into all 50 patient rooms there. The Clinicum Alpinum is the first private clinic in the world to utilise Bioenergetic Sleep® both diagnostically (sleep laboratory) and medically and therapeutically (sleep-healthy coaching).
Too little sleep poisons the brain
Toxic substances such as β-amyloids and tau proteins accumulate in the human brain every day. Fortunately, these toxins can only be removed by a special endogenous process known as the glymphatic system. The catch is that this vital process actually only takes place during sleep. This source of self-healing is all too often neglected today - with far more serious consequences than most people realise: the shorter the duration and quality of sleep, the greater the accumulation of these β-amyloids and the more frequently deep sleep phases are interrupted.
Toxic deposits and Alzheimer's disease
These toxin deposits are also what drive the deterioration of cognitive abilities and can ultimately culminate in Alzheimer's disease. This disastrous interaction between sleep deprivation and toxins becomes a dangerous perpetual motion machine, with both sleep and cognition increasingly suffering from the disrupted cycle. In this report you will learn how research shows that the glymphatic system can function healthily again despite sleep problems.
A new look at brain detoxification - 1
A new look at brain detoxification - 2
A new look at brain detoxification - 3
Is the time ripe - for your clinic too?
With over 30 years of expertise from the sleep-healthy pioneer and SAMINA founder Prof. Dr med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson, a biological sleep quality is already achieved during the treatments. Günther W. Amann-Jennson, the best possible biological sleep quality is already achieved during treatment. Günther W. Amann-Jennson, the best possible biological sleep quality is already achieved during the stay and treatments. Sleep at night has the vital function of neutralising and breaking down various toxins that we absorb into the organism during the day through food, water, the environment, medication, etc. and preparing them for elimination from the body. This allows the cells of all organ systems, which were highly active during the day and have their resting phase at night, to regenerate much better. This provides new energy for the day and thus supports every medical-therapeutic measure and ultimately the patient's recovery.
Sleep biological optimisation of existing sleeping areas
The SAMINA sleep-healthy philosophy is a holistic interplay of "sleep-healthy hardware" and "sleep-healthy coaching". We have listed the most important steps for optimisation here.
The most important steps are in existing rooms:
Sleep biology check in the clinic to determine the initial situation
Optimisation of bedrooms, sleeping areas and sleeping environment
Use of holistic healthy sleep concepts with high-quality, chemical-free and metal-free sleep systems that meet all biological, sleep medicine, orthopaedic, bed climate and electrobiological requirements and measurably improve sleep at all levels
Implementation of a sleep-biological darkening concept and implementation/optimisation of a sleep-biological lighting concept
For renovations, new builds and conversions:
Comprehensive structural, electrical and sleep biology advice for architects, craftsmen and construction teams
Use of selected, preferably natural building and furnishing materials for an eco-harmonious feel-good and bedroom climate
Installation of shielded electrical cables for a low-electrosmog feel-good and bedroom climate
Installation of a sleep-biological night lighting concept for night-time WC visits with a low wake-up effect
Installation of special "GREEN switches" with which all stand-by devices can be switched off during sleep
Installation of special charging stations for mobile phones, iPods, iPads etc. outside the sleeping areas etc.
On request, outpatient sleep diagnostics can also be set up and interested doctors and therapists can attend a seminar by Prof. Dr med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson to become a "Certified Sleep Healthy Coach".