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    E-Book Bibliothek

    E-Book Bibliothek

    Here you can access our popular e-books free of charge and find out about the benefits and importance of healthy sleep.

    Sleep guide

    Around 40 percent of people in the civilised world complain of "unrestful sleep" and a further 40 percent already suffer from manifest sleep disorders! With our 30 years of expertise, you too can be one of the remaining 20 per cent who sleep soundly. In this guide, we explain the basic requirements for healthy and restful sleep.

    Download now

    Buchcover Schlafstörungen eBook

    Holistic health through body grounding

    Did you know that earthing has around 40 different biological effects on our body? In the e-book "Holistically healthy through body earthing" by Prof. Dr med. h.c. Günther W. Amann-Jennson gives you an insight into the world and the secrets of whole-body grounding. The sleep expert will explain the advantages of earthing and its therapeutic benefits. The specially developed Lokosana® grounding products will also be presented in more detail.

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    Disease patterns & the SAMINA effect

    Find out in the SAMINA guide what orthopaedic conditions there are, how they affect your sleep and how the SAMINA healthy sleep concept can help. The guide shows what effects the choice of sleeping surface can have on your body, why the right materials are crucial and why a "wrong" mattress can also be the cause of muscle tension, back or neck pain.

    (Not yet available in English)