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    Back pain from the wrong bed

    Man sitting in bed holding his back

    Plagued by back pain?

    Back pain can have many causes, from incorrect posture to stress. However, the most common contributory cause of back pain is the wrong sleeping surface. Normally, our body is able to regenerate during the night and also compensate for injuries or overloading of the structure. However, this is only possible if the orthopaedic requirements are met. This is simply not the case with most beds and/or sleep systems.

    Eliminate back pain while you sleep

    Spinal complaints and back pain top the list of illnesses. The most common causes: Lack of exercise, poor posture, stress, being overweight and, last but not least, the bed we sleep in. In co-operation with sleep researchers, doctors, orthopaedists and home biologists, we have developed the SAMINA healthy sleep system, which gives way where it is stressed and supports where it is orthopaedically correct. This makes deep and pain-free sleep possible.

    SAMINA Lamellenrost geschwungen

    SAMINA is an ACTIVE sleeping system

    The SAMINA sleep system is an active sleep system. 98 per cent of conventional mattresses are passive and only provide downward support. The double-sided, highly flexible and free-swinging SAMINA slatted frame provides both downward pressure relief and active upward support at night - the only way to maintain the natural S-shape of the spine during deep and REM sleep.

    SAMINA Schlafsystem Seitenansicht

    Built in layers, like the human body

    Like the human body, the SAMINA sleep system is built up in layers. This unique design creates an active counter-pressure from below. This keeps the spine in its natural shape, allowing the vertebrae to expand slightly. The discs immediately have more space and can regenerate optimally during sleep. Muscles can relax and tension and poor posture are avoided.

    The wrong mattress

    A mattress that is too soft can encourage the lumbar spine to sag, which can lead to compression and overstretching of tendons, ligaments and muscles. In addition, the intervertebral discs become wedged when the spine sags. The often painful pressure on the nerve roots can disrupt sleep and regeneration. Back pain is already noticeable when getting up. Sleeping pads that are too soft or too hard can be the main cause of persistent back pain without an organic cause.

    SAMINA Delta Evo Querschnitt

    A healthy back starts at the head

    The general muscular weakness of affluent people has not only affected the supporting apparatus of the trunk, but also the neck muscles. Complaints from the neck to the head are known as cervical syndromes (rapid eye movements, neck pain, tension in the neck muscles and balance problems). Many of these complaints are due, among other things, to the head not being positioned correctly during sleep. The anatomically correct positioning of the head and neck during sleep is particularly important. The orthopaedic SAMINA pillow, which can prevent displacements within the vertebral segments and tension in muscles and ligaments, is therefore of great importance.